Thermal conductive sheet

Thermal conductive sheet Standard type

Standard type featuring high thermal conductivity and flexibility that rapidly conveys heat to heat sinks.

Product Lineup

■ List of types by thermal conductivity
Thermal conductivity (W/m·K) Product name

EX50000 series


GX30000DS series


EX30000 series


E1000S series


EX40000DS series

■ Product Lineup
Product name E1000S series EX30000 series EX40000DS series Remarks
Main component Silicone Silicone Silicone -
Color Pink/White Off-white White -
Available thickness (mm) ※1 ≧ 1.0
Increments of 0.5
≧ 0.5
Increments of 0.5
≧ 0.5
Increments of 0.5
Hardness ※2 < 30 < 50 < 12 Shore OO
ASTM D2240

Thermal conductivity(W/m·K)

2 3 1 Estimated thermal conductivity
Flame retardance V-0 V-0 : ≧ 2.5 mm
V-1 : 0.5 - 2.0 mm
V-0 : ≧ 2.5 mm
V-1 : 1.0 – 2.0 mm
V-2 : 0.5 mm
File No.E63260
Product name EX50000 series GX30000DS series Remarks
Main component Silicone Silicone -
Color Gray Yellow/White -
Available thickness (mm) ※1 ≧ 0.5
Increments of 0.5
≧ 1.5
Increments of 0.5
Hardness ※2 < 55 < 40 Shore OO
ASTM D2240

Thermal conductivity(W/m·K)

5 3.5 Estimated thermal conductivity
Flame retardance V-0 - UL94
File No.E63260
  • ※1 Available thickness of only a thermal conductive sheet. A release film is not included.
  • ※2Hardness is measured by stacking the sheets to a thickness of 10 mm or more.