Sustainability Management


There are many social issues surrounding Dexerials at this time. Among these, Dexerials specified the issues (materialities) that are considered to be closely related to the Dexerials business and of high importance, and for which systematic engagement is important, using the process for specifying materialities as below. Dexerials will contribute to the further improvement of corporate values and the realization of a sustainable society by means of initiatives toward the issues specified as materialities.

*Materiality review meeting

In the process of setting materialities, it is important that we evaluate and verify the social issues to be tackled as we objectively consider not only the importance to our Company but also the importance to stakeholders. Dexerials held a materiality review meeting by the three in-company standing officers, the external Director of Dexerials, and, as an external expert, Kentaro Noda (Professor of Business Design at Rikkyo University Graduate School). At the materiality review meeting, there was an exchange of opinions from specialist and objective perspectives alongside analyses of the social situation around Dexerials in connection to the social issues in which Dexerials should be engaged in the medium-to-long terms from among the selected social issues.

Materiality review meeting

*Materiality evaluation (materiality mapping)

We narrowed down social issues that are considered to be particularly relevant to the Company, which were identified by referring to various guidelines, etc. Then, we evaluated the importance of each issue to the Company and its stakeholders, and created a visualization of the results of the evaluation through two-axis mapping.

Challenges Specified as Materialities and related SDGs

Creation of New Values/ Solving Social Issues

Reinforcement of Governance and Compliance

Cultivating Diverse Personnel and Engagement

Ensuring Operational Safety and Business Continuity