Sustainability Management

Dexerials Group Code of Conduct

We, the officers and employees of the Dexerials Group, will comply with the “Dexerials Group Code of Conduct” in our own conduct and in corporate activities.

1.Basic policy

  • (i) Implementation of management philosophy
    The Dexerials Group has adopted “Integrity – Have Integrity and Sincerity” as its Corporate Philosophy. In order to share this philosophy and continue being a company that is trusted by society, we will conduct business activities based on corporate ethics and legal compliance principles.
  • (ii) Compliance with laws and rules
    We will understand and comply with what is required of us under any laws and regulations or internal rules and policies relating to our business activities.
  • (iii) Relationship with stakeholders
    We will take into account the interests of our stakeholders, such as our shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, business partners and local communities. We will also endeavor to conduct sound business activities, as well as be fully accountable to stakeholders by providing accurate corporate information.
  • (iv) Use of Compliance Hotline
    If there is a possibility that any policy or business activity of the company violates any laws and regulations or internal rules and policies, we will make use of the Compliance Hotline system, promptly report such facts, and endeavor to uphold the company’s self-governing internal control system.

2.Conducting business with integrity and fairness

  • (i) Trust of customers and trade partners
    We will establish a highly transparent, fair and sound relationship with our customers, suppliers and business partners, and will also aim to achieve mutual prosperity by maximizing the value of our customers.
  • (ii) Product safety
    We will strive to prevent accidents from occurring when our products are provided to customers, by taking all possible measures to ensure the quality and safety of our products and providing full explanations of our products to customers. In case any accidents or safety problems are reported, we will respond quickly and appropriately.
  • (iii) Fair competition
    We will understand the importance of free competition in the market and will comply with all laws and regulations relating to antitrust, fair competition and fair trade which are applicable to our business activities.
  • (iv) Fair procurement activities
    We will select suppliers of goods and services based on their price competitiveness, quality, timing of delivery and any other objective criteria. We will not engage in any unfair conduct or conduct which casts suspicion on whether we have fair relationships with our suppliers, such as the receipt of personal benefits or abuse of a superior bargaining position.
  • (v) Compliance with import and export laws and regulations
    We will comply with the laws and regulations of each country in relation to imports and exports when importing and exporting any goods, services or technical information.
  • (vi) Restrictions on gifts and entertainment
    We will never offer money to public officers, government officials, customers, suppliers or the like in exchange for being treated favorably in business. Furthermore, we will not provide or accept gifts or entertainment if their provision or acceptance would cast suspicion on the fairness of our business conduct.
  • (vii) Records and reports
    We will accurately prepare all records and reports, including accounting and financial records, and will appropriately store and destroy them in accordance with applicable laws and internal rules.
  • (viii) Prohibition of personal conflicts of interest
    We will not engage in any conduct that causes or will possibly cause a conflict of interest with the company, such as competing with the company’s business. Furthermore, we will not establish any business relationship with any customer, supplier or competitor which is likely to impair our independence when making decisions in relation to the company’s business activities.

3.Sound work environment

  • (i) Work environment which allows self-fulfillment
    We will demonstrate the full potential of our abilities with the goal of maximizing our value as employees, and will endeavor to make the workplace a place for self-fulfillment.
  • (ii) Equal employment opportunities
    We will not discriminate upon employment or promotion based on reasons which have no legitimate business justification, such as race, religion, color, national origin, age, gender or disability.
  • (iii) Sound labor practices
    We will adopt sound labor and employment practices by treating employees in accordance with the relevant laws of countries and regions in which we conduct our business activities. We will not use any forced labor or child labor whatsoever.
  • (iv) Prohibition of harassment
    We will not use language or engage in behavior that harms the dignity of individuals based on gender, authority or position (including sexual harassment and power harassment). We will endeavor to maintain a healthy, safe and productive work environment where there is no unjust discrimination or harassment.

4.Management of assets and information

  • (i) Prohibition of private use of company assets
    We will use company assets such as products, facilities, equipment, information and intellectual property only for business purposes and will not use them for wrongful purposes or for the benefit of ourselves or a third party.
  • (ii) Intellectual property
    We will not only protect the intellectual property rights of the company, such as patent right, design right, trademark right, trade secrets and copyright, but will also respect such intellectual property rights of other companies and will not knowingly misuse or infringe any intellectual property of a third party.
  • (iii) Management of confidential information
    We will strictly manage and keep confidential, any confidential information that we keep for our customers, suppliers and business partners, in addition to our own confidential information.
  • (iv) Prohibition of insider trading
    We will not engage in the purchase or sale of securities such as shares and bonds based on any undisclosed information which we have come to know of through our business partners in connection with or by making use of our position in the company (insider trading).
  • (v) Personal information
    We will respect the privacy of individuals whom we have come to know through the workplace or when conducting business. We will also comply with all applicable laws and regulations or internal rules and policies when handling personal information such as the collection, management and use thereof
  • (vi) Relationship with the media
    We will neither contact the media nor answer any media inquiries as a Dexerials employee without obtaining consent from the public relations department or the like, in order to provide accurate information.

5.Being a good corporate citizen

  • (i) Environmental preservation
    We will endeavor at all times to reduce our impact on the environment through our own business activities and the life cycle of our products, for the purpose of preserving the global environment that sustains all life and creating a sustainable society for the future.
  • (ii) Management of chemical substances
    We will comply with relevant laws and regulations and international uniform management standards with respect to the use of chemical substances in every business activity in order to ensure the safety of chemical substances.
  • (iii) Harmonious relationship with the community
    We will respect the cultures of each country and region and endeavor to maintain harmonious relationships with the community and its residents, etc., and to contribute to the development of society when conducting business activities.
  • (iv) Safety and disaster prevention
    We will give top priority to safety and aim to prevent fires and other accidents. Furthermore, we will endeavor to establish a system that enables us to continuing our business in case an emergency situation arises, such as natural disasters and fires.
  • (v) Measures against antisocial forces
    We will be committed to eliminating any relationship with antisocial or illegal forces or organizations that threaten social order or safety, and will not engage in any act that benefits such forces or organizations.