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Human Resource, Diversity, Workplace
Approach to Human Resource Development
At Dexerials, we believe that human resources, along with technologies, are the most important assets for the realization of the corporate philosophy and corporate vision.
In addition, by establishing an HR Policy, we are working to set Dexerials’ basic policy for human resource development while clarifying the actions expected of our employees.
Dexerials’ Basic Policy for Human Resource Development
Maximize human capital by maximizing the potential of human resources
Basic Principles of Human Capital Management Policy
- We will place talents as the core-competence of value creation.
The Company and the individual are equal partners, and the growth of human resources enhances corporate value. - We will become the Company of choice for excellent and motivated talent based on global standards. We will develop value-creating talent with the sense of self ownership.
Basic Policy for Human Resource Development
Dexerials believes that the development of each and every employee is the most important task in order to achieve the “Value Matters” corporate vision. We want employees to continue developing by learning for themselves, thinking for themselves, and acting for themselves. We conduct activities to support employee growth and career development.
We encourage our employees to adopt an independent, self-driven work style in which they continue developing by learning for themselves, thinking for themselves, and acting for themselves. We provide support and create a working environment to help them do so and ultimately achieve the growth of Dexerials and its employees in the future.
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
To raise employees’ interest in the stock price of the Company and foster their willingness to improve the corporate value, we have introduced the ESOP since April 2016.
The ESOP is a system that helps enhance employee engagement. Specifically, the program has a benefitlike element whereby the Company’s growth helps build assets over the medium to long term, and an incentive-like element whereby all employees are incentivized to aspire for new highs.
Through the program, we aim for a virtuous cycle in which each of our employees, as a shareholder of the Company, contributes to improving its asset value by fulfilling their duties, and in turn, profits delivered through its sustainable growth and improved corporate value are returned to all stakeholders.
A Diverse Education and Training System
We work to develop human resources who can take on responsibilities in the future, by providing diverse training programs that create an environment where every employee can fully demonstrate their capabilities. As an educational system, we have developed programs that include new employee training, grade appointment training sessions conducted for new grade appointees, training to strengthen management skills, the acquisition of business skills necessary to demonstrate expertise, and self-development support that leads to employees’ autonomous career development.
In terms of self-development support, we are expanding our subsidizing fee system for correspondence education and upgrading our e-learning content. By supporting employees in acquiring new knowledge, we not only bring diversity and new added value to the Company but also help motivated employees so that they can achieve personal growth with more of a sense of fulfillment.
Education and Training System
- Note: Click pics to enlarge.

Diversity/Creating an organization that makes the most of diverse human resources
We aim to become a company that will be selected by diverse talents. With the Human Capital Management Policy as our basic approach, we actively promote the recruitment and appointment of diverse human resources including men, women, non-Japanese, and people with disabilities, on a global basis, in accordance with each business site and function.
In addition, we have realized a flexible work style that is not restricted by location or time, such as by introducing and utilizing a remote work system to create a place where employees can demonstrate their talents without the conventional work style that requires coming to the office.
Strengthening of Diversity Communication
We conduct diversity promotion training (e-learning) for manager-level employees, as well as provide intercultural communication training to employees working in departments with frequent communication with non-Japanese employees and people overseas. This training is designed to help employees recognize and appreciate the differences in language, values, cultural habits, and other communication styles. Going forward, to encourage active communication across the organization, we will work to promote diversity to make the most of the uniqueness of each individual.
Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement
As part of our diversity initiatives, we are promoting female participation and career advancement in the workplace.
In Japan, we have formulated the General Business Owner Action Plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life for a period of three years beginning in fiscal 2021. We have set two targets themed on offering women more opportunities
in their career, which are:1) Raising the proportion of women in new graduate hires to at least 20%; and 2) Raising the number of female managers to 20 by fiscal 2023. In fiscal 2022, four women were promoted to management positions, and as of March 31, 2023, a total of 15 female employees are serving as managers.
Positive action for the appointment and development of female employees
Our female employees account for around 16% of all staff, and as of April 2021, their average length of service was 15 years and 11 months, against 17 years and 3 months for males, indicating that female employees also pursue longterm careers. Since 2014, we have held lectures for managerial staff on promoting active female participation and work-life balance. Combined with in-house awareness-raising activities, strict enforcement of “Leaving work on time” and other initiatives, this is designed to promote workstyles that make efficient use of regular work hours and support employees combining work with childcare. We have also made a declaration of support for the success of women based on the Positive Action promoted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
the Positive Action promoted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Promotion of Remote Work
The Company launched a remote work system at all its offices in 2020.
In April 2021, safety and security aspects were improved, and in addition to infectious disease countermeasures we made adjustments to enable remote work to serve as a permanent system with the aim of improving productivity. Also, from the same year, we established a new Tokyo office to accommodate new ways of working that utilize remote work.
To make more efficient use of the remote work system, we are also conducting training for managers to learn management techniques for remote work, and training sessions for regular employees to learn effective online communication skills.
Advancing system reviews, we will work to improve the remote work environment so that diverse human resources will be able to play active roles.
Appropriate Working Hours
Mindful of the need for work-life balance, in addition to efforts to achieve appropriate working hours, we are working on a systematic approach for employees to take annual paid leave with the objective of ensuring they come back refreshed.
In addition, we have established an accrual system that allows employees to accumulate up to 20 days of annual paid leave that they did not take during the fiscal year. This system allows accumulated leave to be taken in case of injury, illness, nursing care, volunteer activities, childcare, infertility treatment, etc.
In addition to the growing sense of busyness across the Company, the average number of days of annual paid leave taken continued to decline for two consecutive years due to the introduction of remote work and annual paid leave by the hour. However, since January 2022, we have begun experimenting with setting dates four times a year on which employees are encouraged to take annual leave. As a result, the average number of days of paid leave taken and the rate of paid leave taken in fiscal 2022 recovered to the level before the decrease.
We will continue efforts to create an environment that facilitates employees to take annual paid leave in the years ahead.

Childcare Support
We have put in place a system to support a successful combination of work and family life that exceeds legal requirements in terms of childcare leave and other benefits. We have introduced systems of flexible working hours and shorter working hours for childcare so that both men and women can work flexibly. The Company encourages active participation of its employees in childcare by calling for the submission of a notice on expected delivery at least six months prior to the due date, and providing briefings on related systems including pre-natal, post-natal, and childcare leave systems to employees who have submitted the notice regardless of their gender.
In regard to child-rearing support leave, employees can take up to 20 days of paid leave when their spouse gives birth or for childcare, and thus this system encourages active participation of male employees in childcare.
Meanwhile, we have set up a program named “wiwiw” to support a successful combination of work and family life for employees on childcare leave, and such employees can use this system to continue to access internal information, improve their knowledge, and communicate with superiors while remaining at home. For instance, the system enables e-learning courses to be taken by one's own device like PC and smartphone, and enables connection to the company intranet.
For these initiatives, Dexerials has received the “Kurumin certification” in 2009, and moreover we have just received “Platinum Kurumin Certification” in August 2020 as a company that supports child-rearing from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. In addition, we are certified as a “Kanuma Company that Supports Childcare” from Kanuma city in Tochigi. We have also announced initiatives for the “Tochigi Declaration for Good Work and Good Families” promoted by Tochigi Prefecture in support of work and home compatibility.
[“Kurumin”, “Platinum Kurumin” certification as a company that supports child-rearing]
Dexerials has achieved the content of the General Business Owner Action Plan devised by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, and received the certification mark as a workplace that supports child-rearing (public nickname “Kurumin”) on August 20, 2009.
In addition, we have just received the "Platinum Kurumin" certification on August 18, 2020, which is certified as a excellent company that provides support to employees with raising children by taking higher-level efforts among Kurumin-certified companies.

[Tochigi Declaration for Good Work and Good Families]
At the Tochigi Plant, which is located within Tochigi Prefecture, we have signed the “Tochigi Declaration for Good Work and Good Families,” which relates to achieving a work-life balance and supporting women’s participation in the workplace, in order to improve the work environment for employees.
“Tochigi Declaration for Good Work and Good Families” example: Dexerials Corporation Tochigi Plant

[Childcare support program]
Name of program | Outline of program |
Periodic medical examinations of pregnant women | Medical examinations during pregnancy and for one year after giving birth are treated as working hours for women that fill out an application. (The number of examinations, etc. is the same as the number stipulated by law.) |
Maternity leave | It is possible to take maternity leave from eight weeks before giving birth through to eight weeks after giving birth. |
Childcare support leave | 1) If the father of a child does not take childcare leave in the first eight weeks from birth, it is possible to take twenty days of leave from one week before the child’s birth, through to April 15 in the fiscal year after the child reaches the age of one or the end of the month in which the child reaches the age of one year and two months, whichever is the later date. 2) It is possible to for mothers to take childcare support leave if they do not take childcare leave at the end of maternity leave. |
Notification of birth | The time taken to submit the notification of birth is treated as being work hours. |
Childcare time | Female staff members that are raising a child within one year of birth are able to take one hour of childcare time twice daily. |
Childcare leave | It is possible for both male and female staff members to take leave to fully engage in childcare until April 15 in the fiscal year after the child reaches the age of one or the end of the month in which the child reaches the age of one year and two months, whichever is the later date. If it is deemed that leave is necessary for extraordinary reasons, it is possible to progressively extend to the end of the month in which the child reaches the age of one year and six months, and then to the end of the month in which the child reaches the age of two years. |
Shorter working hours for childcare | If staff members apply for shorter working hours in order to engage in childcare, it is possible to shorten work hours to six or seven hours per day. |
Exemption from unscheduled work | This applies to staff members who are raising children under the age of three. |
Limit on out of hours work and exemption from late-night work | This applies to staff members that are raising pre-school children or providing nursing care for a relative. Limit on out of hours work: 24 hours/month, 150 hours/year Exemption from late-night work: From 10:00 pm to 5:00 am |
Leave to care for ill or injured children | Up to twelve days of leave may be taken in order to care for ill or injured pre-school children. |
Accumulated leave (Pregnancy, birth, caring for children, fertility treatment, and nursing care) |
It is possible to use accumulated paid annual leave* to cover feeling unwell during pregnancy, children’s vaccinations, and caring for ill or injured children. *The amount of annual leave that would otherwise expire. |
This content is correct as of January 2019.
Nursing care
In view of the fact that the number of people who will require nursing care will increase in society in the future, we are supporting our employees in balancing work and nursing care. We are also creating a workplace that enables proactive career continuation of employees who have nursing care responsibility by providing nursing care support systems that go beyond what is legally required, such as a shorter working hours system and a system of one-year leave.
Establishing employees
The ration of new recruits still in employment three years after joining the company is 90.0%, which is one of the indicators showing employee satisfaction with Dexerials. (20 of 22 new employees from fiscal 2020 were still employed as of April 1, 2023.)
Employment of overseas nationals
We operate a global business, and 70% of the Group's sales are overseas. Even at our Japanese sites, we seek personnel that are able to engage in global business, so we actively seek out foreign nationals. Since 2015, we have hired new graduates throughout the year and going forward, we plan to actively pursue mid-career hiring. We are conducting measures to improve the workplace environment such as providing diversity communication training, and implementing a vegetarian options in the employee canteen in order to achieve job satisfaction for foreign employees.
Activities for veteran employees
Out of consideration for employees who wish to work well beyond retirement age, and also to meet the company’s labor requirements, we revised the system so that all employees so wishing would be employed up to age 65, thus creating a system where staff can be confident of continued employment after retirement age. We are conducting activities that allow people to find a place within the company after retirement where they can continue to work energetically in their senior years, whether by continuing to use their accumulated skills or taking on a new field of activity.
Promoting employment of people with disabilities
At Dexerials, employees with disabilities are active in a wide range of areas from office work through to manufacturing.
When newly assigning employees with disabilities, we conduct training designed to enhance mutual understanding and communication, including learning about what needs to be considered and signs in the event of an emergency.
In workplaces where employees with hearing impairments work, their supervisors and colleagues learn sign language and fingerspelling to enhance communication. Consideration is given to the working environment too, such as installation of indicator lights for safety and accident prevention purposes.
In particular, in order to increase diversity within the Company and proactively fulfill our social responsibilities, we have established a certified special subsidiary, Dexerials Kibou Corporation, which promoting the employment of people with disabilities. We have assigned qualified “Employment Counselors for People with Disabilities” to each workplace to prepare workplaces where people with disabilities can work with peace of mind. Currently, 13 employees with disabilities are engaged in activities such as cleaning and garden management at Dexerials business sites. The percentage of employees with disabilities in our Company is 2.68% (As of June 2023).
Establish a worker-friendly environment
Dexerials aims to achieve a workplace where employees can work enthusiastically, and we are actively working to provide a full-range of social services providing comprehensive systems such as various types of social insurance, a workers’ property accumulation savings scheme, a shareholding association, and a retirement benefit system, as well as establishing an employees’ association for the purpose of improving the workplace environment.
Furthermore, every year, each business site holds a range of events, such as Satchel Presentation Ceremonies, for the families of employees.