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- Joining the TCFD Consortium of Japan
Notice of Support for the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Joining the TCFD Consortium of Japan
Dexerials Corporation (Headquarters: Shimotsuke-shi, Tochigi; Representative Director and President: Yoshihisa Shinya; the “Company”) announces that it has expressed its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) and joined the TCFD Consortium of Japan that aims to further discussion on the effective disclosure of climate-related information and efforts to help with investment decisions among companies and financial institutions that support the recommendations (as of September, 22, 2021).
‘We think that climate change is an important issue that humankind needs to address to realize a sustainable society and that responding to climate change is a prerequisite for business continuity. Dexerials Corporation agreed with the recommendations of the TCFD and will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through timely and appropriate responses to management risks and opportunities associated with climate change, as well as timely and appropriate disclosure of such information. Moreover, by offering new value with its unique products and technology, the Company will promote initiatives to pass on a rich environment to the next generations and aim to coexist with our stakeholders.’

In accordance with one of the three basic policies “strengthen the management base” under the Company’s Mid-term Management Plan “Challenges for Evolution” (Update) in May 2021, corporate governance, society, environment, BCP, and DX (digital transformation) are key initiatives for taking on the challenge of transforming into a new company that coexists with all stakeholders.
Positioning initiatives to protect the environment, ESG, and contribution to the realization of a sustainable society as prerequisites to business continuity, the Company has set a target of zero CO2 emissions from electricity consumption for businesses mainly by using renewable energy, by fiscal year ending March 31, 2031. Moreover, it is endeavoring to contribute to a reduction in the environmental impact in the entire supply chain by adding energy-efficiency features to customers’ manufacturing processes and offering products that contribute to improvements in the energy efficiency of finished products.
In addition to these initiatives, based on our judgment that analyzing risks and opportunities associated with climate change, incorporating countermeasures in management/business strategies and disclosing this information to our stakeholders contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and the Company’s sustained growth and corporate value enhancement, it has expressed support for the recommendations of the TCFD and joined the TCFD Consortium of Japan. Going forward, the Company will promote disclosure on governance, strategies, risk management, indicators and targets, and other items under the TCFD framework, continuously contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through its business activities and offer new value.